My name is Sanjay and this is my journey of a magical weight loss simply by adding turmeric-based dietary mix rich in curcumin (HaldiVita) to my regular diet followed by an active work-out routine.

I would like to share my learnings and experience based on my fruitful journey.

I am leaner, healthier, active and most importantly HAPPY:)

I know this sounds like a fairy tale but yes this is my own experience in the real world and even science validates the power of turmeric for weight loss.

Well, to get rid of fat, a person cannot rely on one food or supplement.  They also need to reduce total calorie intake and increase physical activity. However, if you’re part of a healthy diet and lifestyle, proper fat burners like bioavailable curcumin can speed up weight loss.

Now let’s dig a bit into the science behind fat loss or slimming and how it works?

The reason why our body burns muscles when we go on a slimming diet is that we have hormones that protect fat cells at the expense of muscles.

And if we just eat some carbohydrates or protein to quickly recharge our batteries or surprise ourselves to the next meal, fat cells will accelerate to protect the fat in them.

And the hormone that determines whether fat cells store or release fat that is to be burned by muscles is insulin.

When our body produces more insulin, it retains fat trapped in fat cells and eventually forces the body to burn amino acids that have been deprived of muscle protein.

Eating less is really important to lose weight, but when you start to nibble or snack to go all day long, your body responds to insulin.

The release of insulin, in turn, activates LPL, and LPL keeps fat trapped in adipose tissue.

People who are overweight can have 5, 10 or even 20 pounds (up to 10 kg) of white blood cells in adipose tissue.

Stopping excessive inflammation stops this process and it becomes possible to lose weight without a diet.

When people lose a lot of weight without taking diuretics and without hunger, it usually happens because they’ve finally found a way to stop inflammation.

Curcumin is one natural way to stop inflammation and lose belly fat. 

Curcumin from turmeric can prevent the accumulation of fat in adipose tissue.

Yes, all this is still true, and curcumin is also responsible for weight loss. Here’s another advantage of curcumin.

  •         Inflammation is directly related to obesity or excess fat in our bodies. Therefore, turmeric prevents inflammation in our body and does not allow fat to accumulate in our body, and thus helps in weight loss.
  •         Another way turmeric helps you lose weight is to regulate sugar levels and prevent insulin resistance
  •         People who are overweight or obese are prone to diabetes. Turmeric protects them against this disease
  •         Regular consumption of turmeric has been found to increase bile in the stomach
  •         Bile is a digestive juice that helps to emulsify fat, and thus its metabolism

Turmeric has these ingredients, so it can be a thermogenic substance. This means that the consumption of turmeric in the diet can promote weight loss through thermogenic effects. 

The increased metabolic rate in the body burns calories and stored energy, and thus promotes weight loss.

There are various dietary products, such as spices, such as turmeric, which help in weight loss related to diet. Turmeric’s carbohydrate fraction is not absorbed by the body, which helps to reduce fat and prevent weight gain. Other studies have also shown the effectiveness of curcumin (curcumin) in accelerating weight loss caused by diet changes.

How HaldiVita is the best curcumin based dietary mix?

HaldiVita is a scientific formulation based on the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.  India’s first 100% natural dietary mix is made with a rare form of aged Himalayan turmeric.  The formulation has more curcumin components and it’s highly effective in treating various health-related issues.

As per Ayurveda, simply having turmeric will not show any results. It is not readily bioavailable or in simple words, it’s active component will not be absorbed directly and it will require other ingredients like pepper, etc..

HaldiVita’s dietary mix does exactly the same. Its unique formulation will help the proper absorption of curcumin in the body to visualize its magical effect.

How to consume HaldiVita dietary mix?

HaldiVita is a super easy dietary mix formulated keeping in mind the busy lives.

  •         Take 1-2 scoop of HaldiVita  ( 2 times day)
  •         Mix it with 100 ml of lukewarm water or milk or almond milk
  •         Have it empty stomach in the morning with water and after work-outs

Start your HaldiVita journey now

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